Robo Advisor
What We Can Do for You
Passive Investing
Investing is all about planning ahead and creating a better future. Simply log in to your Managed Portfolios account to stay up to date with your progress and adjust your risk tolerance, personal information, or timeline.
Managed Portofolio
Low management fees. Easy set up.
Personalized goal setting. Access to Capital markets. No previous investing experience necessary.
Investing Genius
Our automated software helps optimize your investments by doing the work for you, from rebalancing your portfolio to minimizing your taxes, all you have to do is to open account with our reputable trading partners and we’ll do the rest.
Protected Capital
Rayflare is set for long term goals where you as an investor will experience a very successful , calm and precise trading journey with 100% protection by platform and third parties with an obligatory exit in the event of 20% loss.